*I'm moving all my food recipes from my normal blog to this one - so some of these are 'something I did earlier' - excuse the duplication but we make these 15 minute scones, just about every other day. Perfect every time and a great way to use up sour milk, or excess milk. To be honest if there's a day the milk goes over to smelling a bit funny - we make these. Or we label the going off milk as 'for scones' and throw it into the freezer for when we fancy them. Seems better than chucking milk away and they rise so beautifully with sour milk. (Fresh milk works just as nicely too).
The fifteen minute scone routine is thus:
Oven on (highest setting),
Find a bowl/cutter/cup measure/knife out cupboard,
Get a tray out too.
2 cups SR Flour
1 TBSP sugar
Pinch salt
1TBSP butter/marg/oil
3/4-1 cup Milk
Lob all dry ingredients into bowl** - (2 cups sr flour, 1tbsp sugar), dust tray with flour, then lob in 1tbsp butter to dry ingredients, rub in butter, then grab butter knife and add 3/4-1 cup of milk to the dry ingredients - mix with knife until a soft dough forms, then stop and onto floured board.
Don't over mix or kneed, life's too short for rock hard scones. Minimal handling makes for better scones - lightly pat until the mix is about 1" thick, you'll thank me for it. Honestly LESS is more in this case.
Cut into shapes - a glass does the job just as well as a cutter - honest.
Lob into oven, timer on for 12 minutes - which is a perfect amount of time to tidy up and get a cup of tea ready.
After your twelve minutes - out they come. If you can get them into a tea towel in a basket or on a plate it helps to keep them nice and soft. Serve to suit we often have these at breakfast, if you're a bit pushed for time, you can always get the dry ingredients ready the night before and add the butter/milk first thing - pop into oven, get dressed and instant brekkie.......
These really are best eaten the same day - or frozen once just cold and used as you like. We never quite get to the 'freezing' stage in our house.
Perfect frugal fodder for breakfast, elevenses, lunch, tea or supper.
Cost - if using 'value' flour roughly 20-30p a batch.
Like they ever get to supper........
Until next time - if you've got some milk that's on the turn - why not think I've got 15 minutes I'll just make some 'scones'.
Happy Scoffing.
** this recipe is adaptable to add fruit/cheese/herbs into your scones. You would normally add flavourings after the rubbing in stage at the start and before you add the milk. Obviously if they're a 'sweet scone' keep the sugar. If savoury omit it, just saying.........